
One of the main services that the center offers is that of consultancy, which is offered in three sectors: for-profit, non-for-profit and public.


The private sector

The center provides the profitable sector with consultancy in strategy, planning and problem-solving and helps develop business skills and knowledge. Topics covered by the consultancy range from:

  • creating a business model,
  • human resource management,
  • developing the marketing plan,
  • public image development,
  • project planning and implementation techniques,
  • company structure,
  • Chain management within companies etc.

The center also offers capacity building services within these companies, through specialized training and studies that they deliver on specific issues.

The public sector

Various activities with public institutions have shown the possibility of collaborating in providing services on projects and programs, initially with regard to young people, employees and different groups. The institutions involved in the cooperation are mainly initiated by education and training institutions, local government with the respective directorates and central government.


The non-for-profit sector

The non-for-profit sector in Albania is still developing, thus facing various difficulties, mainly in sustainability. CO-SEVEN, with its experience in human resources, provides consultancy in:

  • human resource management of an NGO,
  • project design and management,
  • strategic development,
  • strategic planning,
  • information on grant and application opportunities,
  • NGO PR etc.